The Road Home Podcast Series on Nationalism
Episodes 11-20
11. Sean Speer
One of the foremost writers on the experiences and politics of Canada’s rural working class, Sean Speer joins us to discuss the failures of the globalization status quo and what, if anything, nationalist politics can offer as an alternative. Sean is an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, fellow-in-residence at Ottawa’s Public Policy Forum, and columnist at the National Post. Our interview with Sean Speer took place in spring 2020.
12. Linda Nazareth
Still in Canada, we are joined by economist Linda Nazareth. Linda is the Macdonald Laurier Institute’s senior fellow for economics and population change. We ask Linda about the future of work and labour markets, which will have drastic effects for how we think and talk about nationalism. Linda is the principal at Relentless Economics, Inc and host of the Work and the Future podcast. Please enjoy our conversation with Linda Nazareth, recorded in spring 2020.
13. John Cartwright
We are back in my hometown of Toronto, Canada, where we will hear a perspective on nationalism from the organized labour movement. John Cartwright is the President of the Toronto & York Region Labour Council, representing 220,000 union members in Canada's largest urban centre. John has a lengthy resume that includes organizing campaigns to improve the lives of workers, such as a “Made in Canada” initiative to keep manufacturing jobs in Canada. This interview with John Cartwright is from fall 2020.
14. Jennifer Robson
Class politics are an important part of understanding nationalism. To help us think through this relationship, and class politics, our journey took us to professor Jennfer Robson, who teaches political management at Carleton University. Professor Robson previously worked in the Canadian federal public service and in the nonprofit sector. Professor Robson joined us for this conversation in summer 2020.
15. Lyman Stone
One of the biggest political movements in the world today is the Hong Kong democracy movement. The future of Hong Kong has implications for Chinese nationalism. To help us understand what’s happening in Hong Kong, we bring you our conversation with Lyman Stone. At the time of our interview, Lyman was living in Hong Kong as a Lutheran missionary. He has since relocated back to North America, where he is pursuing a PhD in sociology at Montreal’s McGill University. We hope you find this interview with Lyman Stone from summer 2020 insightful.
16. Peter J Hasson
The rise of Donald Trump was accompanied by, or perhaps was caused by, a rise in nationalist politics in the United States, particularly within the Republican Party. Peter J Hasson, former editor of The Daily Caller and current journalist at Fox News, joined us to offer his perspective on American nationalism. This conversation with Peter J Hasson is from spring 2020.
17. Marshall Kosloff
Big technology firms continue to grow their influence over our lives. They’re collecting our data and using their power to censor people. Some nationalists believe governments can protect us against big tech. Are they correct? Will big tech inspire more people to turn to nationalist politics as a defense against corporate power? We posed this question and more to Marshal Kosloff, co-host of the Realignment Podcast and media fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C. We hope you enjoy this interview with Marshall Kosloff from summer 2020.
18. Zaid Jilani
The language of nationalism is typically associated with right-wing politics. But many left-wing political ideas, such as single payer healthcare for all citizens, could also be considered forms of nationalism. In the United States politicians on the left rarely use nationalism to talk about their ideas. Freelance journalist Zaid Jilani joined us to talk about this trend on the left, and explore themes of nationalism in American politics. Zaid is a writing fellow at University of California, Berkeley and former reporter at The Intercept. This conversation with Zaid Jilani was recorded in spring 2020.
19. Yoram Hazony
As we approach the end of our series exploring nationalism, we visit Jerusalem, home of Yoram Hazony. Yoram is chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, host of the NatConTalk podcast, and author of The Virtue of Nationalism. In his role at the Edmund Burke Foundation, organized conferences in Washington, D.C., London, and Rome featuring some of the world’s leading proponents of nationalism. Yoram Hazony joined us for this dialogue in summer 2020.
20. Doug Gay
The last stop on our journey is Scotland, home of my maternal grandfather. Scottish politics is full of timely, tangible discussions and debates about nationalism, including many themes we have explored throughout our journey thus far. In 2014, Scottish citizens voted on a referendum concerning their national independence. This referendum failed, but talks of a second independence referendum have taken off since 2016, when the UK voted to leave the European Union, a decision known as Brexit. In this final episode of our current series, we speak with Scottish independence activist, Reverend Doug Gay. Reverend Gay is a lecturer in practical theology at the University of Glasgow. We hope you enjoy this final episode of The Road Home’s series on nationalism, which was recorded in spring 2020.